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[1]  YZ. Jiang, M. Tian, JL. Zhang, JZ. Li, CH. Tan, CY. Ren, JQ. Feng, YC. Cai, JP. Gao,Y. Ma, Y. Gong*, YJ. Qin*, IEMS: An IoT-empowered Wearable Multi-modal Monitoring System in Neurocritical Care, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, DOI: 10.1109/JIOT.2022.3210930, 2022.

[2]  YX. Chen, K. Xiao, YJ. Qin*, FY. Liu*, J. Wan, A Compact Artificial Spiking Neuron Using a Sharp-Switching FET With Ultra-Low Energy Consumption Down to 0.45 fJ/spike, IEEE Electron Device Letters, DOI: 10.1109/LED.2022.3219465, 2022.

[3]  YC. Cai, JL. Zhang, M. Yan, YZ. Jiang, H. Jawad, BB. Tian, WC. Wang, YQ. Zhan, YJ. Qin*, SS. Xiong, CX. Cong, ZJ. Qiu, CG Duan, R. Liu, LG. Hu*, Molecular ferroelectric/semiconductor interfacial memristors for artificial synapses, npj Flex Electron, 6, 16, 2022.

[4]  S. Khaydarov, K. Xiao, YJ. Qin*, FY. Liu, J. Wan*, High Gain Pseudo-Inverter Based on Silicon-on-Insulator With Ambipolar Transport, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 8, 4075-4080, 2022.

[5]  YZ. Jiang, LL. Liu, L. Chen, YY. Zhang, ZS. He, W. Zhang, J. Zhao, DZ. Lu, J. He, HD. Zhu, Y. Gong, LR. Zheng, YY. Wang, Z. Li*, YJ. Qin*, Flexible and stretchable dry active electrodes with PDMS and silver flakes for bio-potentials sensing systems, IEEE Sensors Journal, 10, 12255-12268, 2021.

[6]  YT. Zou, XK. Zhi, J. Zhang, XY. Zhang, YJ. Qin*, A High-Accuracy Lock-In Transceiver for Speed Over 8000-r/min Contactless Eddy-Current Angular Position Sensors, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 70, 1-12, 2021.

[7]  L. Shi, Z. Li*, M. Chen, YJ. Qin, YZ. Jiang, LM. Wu*, Quantum effect-based flexible and transparent pressure sensors with ultrahigh sensitivity and sensing density, Nature communications, 11, 3529, 2020.

[8]  CY. Wang, YJ. Qin*, H. Jin, I. Kim, JDG. Vergara, CJ. Dong, YZ. Jiang, QF. Zhou, JS. Li, ZS. He, Z. ZhuoLR. ZhengXM. Wu, YY. Wang, A low power cardiovascular healthcare system with cross-layer optimization from sensing patch to cloud platform, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, vol. 13, No. 2, 314-329, 2019.

[9]  JC. Wang, Q. Pan, YJ. Qin, XF. Chen, S. Hu, R. Bai, X. Wang, YX. Cai, T. Xia, YX. Zhang, JX Ma, N. Qi, P.Y. Chiang, A fully integrated 25 Gb/s low-noise TIS+CDR optical receiver designed in 40-nm-CMOS, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems – II: Express Briefs, vol. 66, No. 10, 1698-1702, Oct. 2019.

[10] DX.Bao, Z.Zou*, MB.Nejad, YJ. Qin, LR. Zheng, A wirelessly powered UWB RFID sensor tag with time-domain analog-to-information interfaceIEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, vol. 53, No. 8, 2227-2239, 2018.

[11] Y. Qian, HG. Zhang, YQ. Chen, YJ. Qin, DZ. Lu, ZL. Hong, A SIDIDO DC–DC converter with dual-mode and programmable-capacitor-array MPPT control for thermoelectric energy harvesting, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems – II: Express Briefs, vol. 64, No. 8, 952-956, Aug. 2017.

[12] Xiaofei Pu, Lei Wan, Hui Zhang, Yajie Qin, Zhiliang Hong, A low-power portable ECG sensor with dry electrodesJournal of Semiconductors,,,Vol. 34, No. 5, 2013, 055002-1 ~ 055002-6

[13] Han Jin, Yajie Qin, Hao Liang, et al., “A Mobile-Based High Sensitivity On-Field Organophosphorus Compounds Detecting System for IoT-Based Food Safety Tracking,”Journal of Sensorsvol. 2017, Article ID 8797435,,13 pages, 2017. doi:10.1155/2017/8797435

[14] Keji Cui, Lebo Wang, Jia Mao, Yajie Qin, et. al., “An All-digital Phase-locked-loop with a Robustness Enhanced Dual-Mode DCO,”Microwave and Optical Technology Letters59: 312-315, Vol. 59, No. 2,,Feb. 2017

[15] Qihui Chen, Yajie Qin, Bo Lu, Zhiliang Hong, A low power 12bit 30MSPS CMOS pipelined ADC with on-chip voltage reference bufferJournal of Semiconductors,,,32(1): 015002-5, 2011

[16] Mengjia Liao, Yi Guo, Yajie Qin, Yuanyuan Wang, The application of EMD in activity recognition based on a single triaxial accelerometerBio-Medical Materials and Engineering,,,vol. 26, no. s1, pp. S1533-S1539, 2015

[17] Sun, MY; Qin, YJ; Lim, WM; Yu, Q; Liu, Y, Design of a 60 GHz, 11.7% Tuning-Range Voltage-Controlled Oscillator in 65 nm CMOS TechnologyNanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters,,,7(5), pp. 402-405, May, 2015

[18] Yajie Qin, Qihui Chen, Zhiliang Hong, Svante Signell, A highly linear 1.2V 12bit 5~45MSPS CMOS pipelined ADC with CM-sensing-and-input-interchanged OTA sharing, Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing,,,,2012, 72: 237-241.

[19] Hui Zhang, Yajie Qin, Zhiliang Hong, "A 445nW 220fJ/conversion-step 12bit 2kS/s ASR ADC for portable biopotential acquisition systems",,,,Journal of Semiconductors, 32(1): 015001-6, 2011

[20] Zheng Hao Lu, Ya-Jie Qin, and Yang Liu, A 94-GHz Frequency Doubler in Nano-Scale CMOS Technology for W-Band Millimeter Wave Passive Imaging SystemsNanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters,,,6(12), pp 1058-1062, Dec., 2014

[21] Huang, YM; Li, WN; Hu, S; Xie, RZ; Li, X; Fu, J; Sun, Y; Pan, YH; Chen, H; Jiang, C; Liu, JR; Chen, QH; Qiu, D; Qin, YJ; Hong, ZL; Zeng, XY; A High-Linearity WCDMA/GSM Reconfigurable Transceiver in 0.13-um CMOSIEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES,,,vol. 61, no. 1, pp. 204-217, Jan., 2013


[22] JZ. Li, JL. Zhang, YZ.Jiang, CY. Ren, R. Guo, Y. Ma, YJ. Qin*, A Flexible and Miniaturized Chest Patch for Real-time PPG/ECG/Bio-Z Monitoring. 2022 44th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC), 4312-4315, 2022.

[23] JL. Zhang, JZ. Li, YZ. Jiang, K. Wang, R. Guo, Y. Ma, YJ. Qin*, A Hardware-based Lightweight ANN for Real-time Wearable Blood Pressure Estimation. 2022 44th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC), 4295-4298, 2022.

[24] C. Chen, I. Kim, YZ. Jiang, JL. Zhang, R. Guo, Y. Ma, P. D'Angelo, YJ. Qin* , A 17.7 μW CDS-CTIA for Wireless-powered Wearable Electrochemical Sweat Sensors. 2022 44th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC), 4622-4625, 2022.

[25] SL. Zhuo, YW. Wang, T. Xia, YF. Wu, LC. Xie, W. Zheng, ZH. Lin, M. Sun, L. Zhao, YJ. Qin, R. Bai, PY. Chiang*, An Integrated 200MHz 4A Pulsed Laser Driver with DLL-Based Time Interpolator for Indirect Time-of-Flight Applications, 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 3493-3497, 2022.

[26] CJ. Dong, YZ. Jiang, K. Jiang,YM. Huang, YJ. Qin*, A 37.37 μW-per-cell multifunctional automated nanopore sequencing CMOS platform with 16*8 biosensor array. 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS). 1-4, 2020.

[27] I. Kim, H. Jin, YZ. Jiang,YJ. Qin*, The optimization of analog front-end for fully integrated wearable sweat sensor. 2019 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 1123-1126, 2019.

[28] Yubin Zhang, Yajie Qin, Han Jin, A high input impedence AC-coupled SoC suitable for wearable ExG monitor, 2015 IEEE 11th International Conference on ASIC (ASICON),,,,2015

[29] Rongtao Hu, Yajie Qin, Yinghong Tian, Zhiliang Hong, Geng Yang, Li-rong Zheng, Jie Jia, Cuiwei Yang, Xiaomei Wu, Yuanyuan Wang, Biofeedback neuromuscular electrical stimulation front-end for dysphagia treatment2014 IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS),,,pp. 612-615, 2014

[30] Wenhui Qin, Keren Ke, Yaochao Wang, Yajie Qin, Ting Yi, Zhiliang Hong, A Low Power Analog Front-end for portable biopotential acquisition systems2014 12th IEEE International Conference on Solid-State and Integrated Circuit Technology (ICSICT),,,2014

[31] Xiaofei Pu, Yajie Qin, Hui Zhang, Zhiliang Hong, "An 8-Channel Readout Front-End for Long-Term Sleep Quality Monitoring"proceeding of IEEE 2011 Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference, pp. 385-388,,,Nov., 2011

[32] Yi Zhao, Jun Jiang, Ke Shao, Yajie Qin, Zhiliang Hong, "A low-power 4.224GS/s Sampler in 0.13-μm CMOS for IR UWB Receiver"in proceedings of 9th IEEE Intentional Conference on ASIC (ASICON),,,Nov., 2011

[33] Xingli Huang, Xi Qin, Yajie Qin, Hao Fang, Zhiliang Hong, "A 0.8-3GHz 40dB Dynamic Range CMOS Variable-Gain Amplifier"in proceedings of 9th IEEE Intentional Conference on ASIC (ASICON),,,Nov., 2011

[34] Yajuan Zhang, Yuanyuan Wang, Cuiwei Yang, Xiaomei Wu, Yajie Qin, “Atrial fibrillation detection using spectra of FSD recurrence complex network,”Proceeding of International Conference on Audio, Language and Image Processing, Shanghai, China,,,2014, 44-47
Lei Wan, Yajie Qin, Patrick Chiang, Guoping Chen, Ran Liu, Zhiliang Hong, High-sensitivity photodetection sensor front-end detecting Organophosphorous compounds for food safety
IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC),,,2013

[35] Yajie Qin, Qihui Chen, Zhiliang Hong, Svante Signell, "A 50MS/s 80dB SFDR digital calibrated pipelined ADC with workload-balanced MDAC"in proceedings of 2011 International Conference of Electron Devices and Solid-State Circuits (EDSSC),,,pp. 1-2, Nov., 2011

[36] Hui Zhang, Yajie Qin, Siyu Yang, Zhiliang Hong, Design of an ultra-low power SAR ADC for biomedical applicationsthe proceeding of 10th IEEE International Conference on Solid-State and Integrated Circuit Technology,,,pp. 460-462, November, 2010

[37] Hui Zhang, Yajie Qin, Zhiliang Hong, "A 1.8-V 770-nW Biopotential Acquisition System for Portable Applications"proceeding of IEEE 2009 Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference,,,pp. 93-97, Nov. 2009

[38] Yajie Qin, Bo Lu, Svante Signell, “A time-speading calibration technique for multi-bit/stage pipeline ADCs,” 2009 International SOC Design Conference (ISOCC 2009),,,pp. 416-419, 2009

[39] Yajie Qin, Zhiliang Hong, Signell. S, "A 1-V Switched-Opamp Sample-and-Hold Circuit for Wideband Wireless Communication,"4th IEEE Intentional Conference on Circuits and Systems for Communications,,,pp.283~287, May, 2008

[40] Xiaofei Pu, Lei Wan, Yun Sheng, Patrick Chiang, Yajie Qin, Zhiliang Hong, “A Wireless 8-Channel ECG Biopotential Acquisition System for Dry Electrodes”IEEE International Symposium on Radio-Frequency Integration Technology (RFIT),,,pp. 140-142, Nov., 2012

[41] Chenyu Wang, Han Jin, Yajie Qin, Lirong Zheng, “A wearable ECG monitoring device with flexible embedded denoising and compression”ESSCIRC,,,Sep., 2016

[42] Liang Wu, Hiu Fai Leung, Li, A. , Zhiliang Hong, Yajie Qin, Luong, H.C. , A 4-element 60-GHz CMOS phased-array receiver with transformer-based hybrid-mode mixing and closed-loop beam-forming calibration2013 Symposium on VLSI Circuits,,,pp.C296-C2972013